

The Local Governing Committee (LGC) is a group of volunteers from a variety of backgrounds who all have an interest in education. The LGC work together strategically to support our school. They work alongside the Head Teacher to challenge and help to develop the good practice in St Bede’s.  The Governors play a very important role in ‘School Improvement’ and developing the leadership in school.
The Governors meet as a full committee six times each academic year. There are also Link Governor visits such as ‘Safeguarding’, ‘Health and Safety' and 'Distinctive Nature, who meet at various times throughout the year to review relevant school information.
Governors are also linked to key areas of school life or areas of the curriculum and individually meet with Subject Leaders each year to focus on curriculum development.
Meet the Governing Body:
Mrs Casson (Chair of Governors; Health and Safety Link Governor)
Father Paul Smith (Parish Priest of All Saints Parish - RE Link Governor)
Mrs Joanna Lompart-Chlasciak (Foundation Governor - Safeguarding / Attendance Learners Link Governor; MFL Link Governor)
Mrs Megan Nottingham (Foundation Governor - SEND / Vulnerable Learners Link Governor)
Mr Rashid (Parent Governor - English and Maths Link Governor)
Mrs Fairless (Community Governor - Foundation Subject Governor Link)
Miss Claire Davies (Staff Governor)
Mrs Young (Head Teacher)
If you wish to contact any of the Governors, you can do so through the school office.